SST (SOCIAL SCIENCE) CHAPTER-9 (THE MEDIVEAL PERIOD) SUP! READ THIS! History is generally divided into three periods � the ancient, the medieval and the modern. In Class- VI, we have studied about the ancient history � the period from pre-historic times to seventh century CE. In Class-VII, we are going to study about the history and civilisation of medieval period in India and the world. In Europe, the period from fifth to fifteenth century CE is known as the medieval period. In India, the period from eighth to eighteenth century CE marks the beginning and the end of the medieval period. During this period, several important changes took place in the social, economic and political structures of Europe, America and Asia. Though in the ancient period, Indian culture had remained aloof from the outside world, during the medieval period Indian culture was highly influenced by changes that took place in other countries. These influences are evident in the culture, ...
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